by virtue of


by virtue of 的定义

  1. Also in virtue of. On the grounds of, by reason of, as in By virtue of a large inheritance she could easily afford not to work. [Early 1300s]

by virtue of 近义词

by virtue of

等同于 because

by virtue of

等同于 through

by virtue of

等同于 via

更多by virtue of例句

  1. We see detoxing as a path to transcendence, a symbol of modern urban virtue and self-transformation through abstinence.
  2. The Dallas Cowboys sell out their state-of-the art football stadium.
  3. A step-by-step plan to break from your various technology addictions.
  4. Those snakes attacked unwitting passers-by, or invaded homes and hotels.
  5. Horniness packs side-by-side by with a deeper loneliness along the walls of The Park.
  6. All along the highways and by-paths of our literature we encounter much that pertains to this "queen of plants."
  7. When we speak against one capital vice, we ought to speak against its opposite; the middle betwixt both is the point for virtue.
  8. And it would be hard indeed, if so remote a prince's notions of virtue and vice were to be offered as a standard for all mankind.
  9. John was baptizing at a large pool called Ænon-by-Saleim,—probably allegorical, meaning “Fountain of Repose.”
  10. The sewing-machine made a resounding clatter in the room; it was of a ponderous, by-gone make.